BlokHawk is a bot scavenging the Solana blockchain for sure things. If you've seen the movie '21', you'll be excited about BlokHawk. In the film, a group of MIT students collaborate inside Sin City's casinos. Their main objective is to figure out when there are lots of high cards (10s) left in a deck, and bet big.
At Blokspyder, we prefer to place our chips knowing rather than gambling. BlokHawk works in a similar fashion, only BlokHawk users don't have to sit by a table and watch for their turn. The bot tracks the biggest and most profitable traders on the Solana meme coin scene, and pushes signals to a telegram group.
Bots are a nightmare to read. There is so much info and clutter you spend minutes deciphering the information in front of you. Minutes in the crypto space means millions in market cap.
You don't just want to hear about a trade, you'd also like to know how successful the trader is in general. We look at the trader's history, and give you an idea of their hit rate based off of their buy size.
Too much information isn't always useful. We filter out low value opportunities. BlokHawk is not going to be dinging 24/7. But when it dings, you can be sure that the notification is worth your time.